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4,478 reviews
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Andrés López icon
Reviewed by
Andrés López
Content Editor

TikTok is a social media platform that focuses on short videos, which allows you to create and edit your own videos and then easily share them with your best friends and other users around the world. You will find hundreds of filters and other tools at your disposal, with which you can give a spectacular finish to all your creations.

Create your user account in seconds

In order to use TikTok, you need to have a registered user account. Fortunately, the registration process is very quick and easy to complete. You can choose whether you want to sign up using an email address, your Google account, your Facebook account, or your Twitter/X account. Whichever you choose, in less than a minute, you will be able to customize the look of your profile, choosing your avatar and username. After that, you can start viewing the content of other users from all over the world.

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Millions of videos for all tastes

Although the figures are not exact and vary greatly from day to day, it is estimated that on TikTok, around 30 million new videos are posted every day. With that content volume, there's always bound to be an interesting new video waiting for you. But the app's magic lies not in the sheer amount of content but in how well it can filter it. Thanks to its algorithm, TikTok detects what types of videos you like the most and, little by little, offers you similar content. The more time you spend watching cat videos, the more likely the app will show you more cat videos in the future. When you scroll through the feed, the app learns from your behaviors.

A powerful and easy-to-use video editor

One of the aspects that have made TikTok so popular is how easy it is to make extremely high-quality videos using its editor. From the app itself, you can record videos, insert cuts and transitions, insert subtitles, superimpose filters, add special effects, zoom in and out, add songs, paste stickers, and much more. In short, you can create great-looking videos in no time at all without the need for any prior knowledge. And, of course, once you are satisfied with the results, you can post them instantly. The more time other users spend watching your creations, the more likely the algorithm will recommend them to other users.

A global community

One of the main attractions of the app is its endless feed of funny videos, but do not forget that TikTok is a social media platform, thanks to which you can meet people from all corners of the world. And, as with all social media, you can follow other users, and other users can follow you. As a result, with the right amount of followers, you can become an influencer on the app. In addition, thanks to its integrated instant messaging tool, you can exchange direct messages with people from anywhere in the world.

Download TikTok and discover a social media platform that is constantly evolving, on which you can do much more than just share videos. Here, you will find everything from tutorials on how to make cupcakes to the latest viral dances, the best cat videos, and effective workout routines. It's all here, just a swipe away.

Translated by Uptodown Localization Team

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 5.0 or higher required

Frequent questions

How can I view TikTok without downloading the app?

You can view TikTok without downloading the app from a browser like Chrome or Firefox. Open any video link to view the content, instantly, without needing the app.

What does TikTok mean?

TikTok means shake the music in Chinese. The app was previously named Douyin and mainly revolved around making music videos.

How do I make a TikTok for free?

Making a TikTok for free is easy with the Android app. By downloading the APK from Uptodown, you can use the built-in video editor to produce eye-catching content.

How can I watch TikTok videos?

You can watch TikTok videos from the app's main screen. Just slide your finger vertically on your smartphone screen to access an infinite stream of content.

Information about TikTok 36.7.4

Package Name com.zhiliaoapp.musically
License Free
Op. System Android
Category Video
Language English
39 more
Author TikTok Pte. Ltd.
Downloads 108,024,301
Date Oct 4, 2024
Content Rating +3
Advertisement Not specified
Why is this app published on Uptodown? (More information)
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Older versions

apk 36.7.3 Android + 5.0 Oct 1, 2024
apk 36.7.2 Android + 5.0 Oct 1, 2024
apk 36.5.5 Android + 5.0 Sep 20, 2024
apk 36.5.4 Android + 5.0 Sep 18, 2024
apk 36.5.2 Android + 5.0 Sep 13, 2024
apk 36.4.4 Android + 5.0 Sep 8, 2024
Available for other platforms

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leiyomc icon
leiyomc Uptodown Turbo
2 weeks ago

Which TikTok accounts do you recommend I follow?

magnificentvioletwolf41808 icon
6 minutes ago

Very good application

elegantpinkleopard13859 icon
4 hours ago


cleverredquail47834 icon
11 hours ago

Hy Im

hungrygreenbanana39164 icon
14 hours ago


heavysilverapricot40737 icon
14 hours ago



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